Monday, May 18, 2009

js function convert number to money/currency format

function num2money(n_value) {

// validate input
if (isNaN(Number(n_value)))
return 'ERROR';

// save the sign
var b_negative = Boolean(n_value < 0);
n_value = Math.abs(n_value);

// round to 1/100 precision, add ending zeroes if needed
var s_result = String(Math.round(n_value*1e2)%1e2 + '00').substring(0,2);

// separate all orders
var b_first = true;
var s_subresult;
while (n_value > 1) {
s_subresult = (n_value >= 1e3 ? '00' : '') + Math.floor(n_value%1e3);
s_result = s_subresult.slice(-3) + (b_first ? '.' : ',') + s_result;
b_first = false;
n_value = n_value/1e3;
// add at least one integer digit
if (b_first)
s_result = '0.' + s_result;

// apply formatting and return
return b_negative
? '($' + s_result + ')'
: '$' + s_result;